Outsourcing and savings

iSM (INTEGRATED SUPPLIER MANAGEMENT) takes hold of the management of all needs related to MRO spare parts and auxiliary products within your company, in a comprehensive and outsourced manner.

If there is one thing that supports iSM confidence, security and quality, it is the GUARANTEE developed over more than 20 years of experience in maintenance management and its 84 projects successfully implemented in the industry.

More information

You can contact us.

Strategic solutions

iSM - Royse, Rodamientos y Servicios

Warehouse and management system

(computer media)

iSM - Royse, Rodamientos y Servicios

Immediate availability

of spare parts

iSM - Royse, Rodamientos y Servicios


tangible and measurable

iSM - Royse, Rodamientos y Servicios

Detailed and immediate control

on your device

iSM - Royse, Rodamientos y Servicios


customized project

iSM - Royse, Rodamientos y Servicios

Comprehensive family outreach

iSM - Royse, Rodamientos y Servicios


development based on experience in maintenance management

iSM - Royse, Rodamientos y Servicios


For all this, iSM proposes a PROJECT based on 4 basic elements:


Ahorro cost saving


Una factura

Reducir proveedores

Tiempo gestión

Compras especiales

Gestor documental


Mobile rf digitalizar

Entrada / salida inventario

Implantar medios 5s

Repuesto disponible (no roturas)

Reposición automática

Máquina vending

Servicios (personas)


Budget limitar consumo


Control ahorros

Indicadores KPI’s

Portal web B2B

Integración erp/GMAO Actual

Control stock Multi-planta


Repuestos críticos

Rotación Stock

Optimizar Stock

Unificar marcas duplicadas

Estandarizar OEM

Gestión Obsoletos

Formación servicios técnicos